City Clerk

The mission of the City Clerk’s Department is to support transparent and inclusive government by providing access to City Council meetings, governmental records, and election services to the El Paso Community so they can participate in city government.

City Clerk

The City Clerk's Division is the repository of all City Council actions, among them, being: minutes, resolutions, ordinances, motions, agreements, contracts, and leases. It is also tasked with conducting the City Council and El Paso Mass Transit Department Board meetings; preparing the City Council agenda; taking minutes of the meeting; and distributing approved paperwork to affected parties.

The City Clerk's Division is responsible for conducting City elections for the Mayor, City Representatives, El Paso Municipal Court Judges, and El Paso Municipal Court of Appeals Judges, Charter elections, recall elections, bond elections, and referendums. The City contracts with the County of El Paso's Election Administrator for the performance of various duties regarding election day activities. Internally, the Division is responsible for conducting the elections for the Non-Uniformed City of El Paso Employees Retirement Trust.


300 N. Campbell (City Hall) El Paso, Texas 79901
(915) 212-0049
Fax: (915) 212-0050
[email protected]
City Clerk: Laura Prine

Contact the County of El Paso for birth, death, marriage and divorce records, Vehicle Registration and other respective County services.

Open Records Request

Any member of the public is able to request any open record kept with the City by submitting an Open Records Request.

File Request Here

Council Meetings

View 2025 Meeting Schedule

In compliance with the requirement that the City provide two-way communication for members of the public, members of the public may also communicate with Council during public comment, and regarding agenda items. The public is strongly encouraged to sign-up to speak on agenda items before the start of the applicable meeting

Please note that the deadline to sign up for Call to the Public is Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. Other details to keep note of are:

  • If you need Spanish Interpretation Services, please email [email protected] by 12:00 p.m. on Friday before the meeting or contact the City Clerk's Division at (915) 212-0049 (Interpreter services will be furnished at no cost to you as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act)
  • If you have a presentation we kindly request that you check in at the City Clerk's Office by 8:30 a.m. so we may assist you.
  • If you missed the sign-up deadline for agenda items, please contact the City Clerk's office at any time prior to the consideration of the item you wish to speak on.
  • A document camera and projection system ("Overhead Projector") is available for use for public comment on posted items and call to the public. Members of the public shall submit any document they wish to present on the Overhead Projector to the City Clerk prior to approaching the podium to speak. Any document that contains profanity or nudity will be rejected. City Staff will assist members of the public in using the Overhead Projector during the meeting.
  • In order to ensure cyber security, members of the public are prohibited from using Universal Serial Bus (USB), Compact Disk (CD), or Digital Versatile Disk (DVD) for public comment and call to the public. A member of the public who wishes to make an electronic presentation may bring printed documents to the City Clerk's Office no later than the close of business on the previous City business day before the meeting date to be scanned for presentation during the meeting.

View Sign Up Forms

City Elections & E-File

The Office of the City Clerk is the appropriate filing authority for various campaign-related forms required by law to be filed by a candidate for a City of El Paso elected office.

View Qualifications for City Elective Offices View City Election Documents

By law, the City Clerk does not supervise, direct or otherwise advise candidates regarding the forms required or content included in any form filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

View Campaign Finance Reports E-File Campaign Finance Report


Renard U. Johnson – 1st Term Mayor January 2029
Alejandra Chávez – Unexpired Term District 1 January 2027
Josh Acevedo - 1st Term District 2 January 2029
Deanna M. Rocha – 1st Term District 3 January 2029
Cynthia Boyar Trejo – 1st Term District 4 January 2029
Ivan Niño - Unexpired Term District 5 January 2027
Art Fierro - 1st Term District 6 January 2027
Lily Limón – 2nd Term District 7 January 2029
Chris Canales – 1st Term District 8 January 2027


Michelle Morales Court #1 January 2029
Kristin Romero Court #2 January 2029
David Bonilla
(Presiding Judge)
Court #3 January 2029
Samuel Flores Court #4 January 2029
Mike Herrera

Court #5 January 2029
Maria Ramirez Court of Appeals January 2029

Municipal Court of Appeals

If you would like to appeal your case to determine whether the trial judge applied the law properly to the evidence that was presented in your case please review the Citizen's Guide to Appeal / Guía del Ciudadano para la Apelación

If you would like to identify decisions on appellate cases related to the issue you are raising in your appeal, view the Subject Index: Court of Appeals Cases.

Appeal Bond Form

Depending on your request, you may be charged for copying costs and/or any staff time involved in obtaining the information - Charges for Records Request.