Capital Improvement

Providing capital project management services to enhance and sustain
El Paso’s infrastructure network.

The City of El Paso's Capital Improvement Department (CID) includes more than a billion dollars worth of investment in public infrastructure. The CID has managed unprecedented investments in quality of life infrastructure, complete streets, standard-setting municipal facilities, and mobility infrastructure which includes Sun Metro facilities and the El Paso International Airport.

It’s all in service to our mission statement: To provide capital project management services to city staff, residents, and visitors to El Paso so they can use and enjoy improved infrastructure, facilities, and amenities for enhanced health, safety, and welfare.

Architectural & Engineering Professional Services (AEPS)

The purpose of the AEPS procedure is to establish general guidelines for conducting any architectural and engineering professional work by and for the City. Active Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) can be accessed below. Firms interested in submitting a Statement of Qualifications are to follow the requirements outlined in the RFQ.

View Solicitations

Contract Development Coordinator
[email protected]
218 N. Campbell St. Second Floor
El Paso, TX 79901

Important Industry Information

Vendors are encouraged to participate and register for any bidding for construction projects on the E-Market Place Website 

To view any of the presentations about constructions projects and their progress visit the City of El Paso's YouTube channel.

Active Projects

Summary of the City's Capital Improvement Program Active Projects

See Live Status Report


Multi-District Projects


Airport Projects


Downtown Projects


Zoo Projects

Project Overviews

There are many projects proposed, approved, and under consideration at all times.
View a comprehensive list of all projects. Below are several major projects
that are currently being worked on:

City of El Paso's Bike Plan


El Paso Bike Plan

A bike plan is a document that guides city staff and elected officials in deciding what streets are best for bicycling, how to make those streets safer for cycling and what other changes can be made to support modifications to streets. These other changes include programs that educate and inform the public about safe bicycling and driving.

El Paso's bike plan project started with collecting data about El Paso's roadways and then hearing from the public about their experiences on El Paso's streets and what they would like to see changed. Outreach to the public and stakeholders allows for revision, a review again with the public to ensure accuracy, and then a final presentation to City Council.

The City's Bike Plan will focus on city streets, but will also carefully consider connections to regional bikeways and linkages/crossings of state roadways. To that end, the City's bike planning process includes close coordination with the MPO and Texas Department of Transportation.


Reimagining Cohen Stadium Project


In 2017, the City of El Paso invited the public to reimagine Cohen Stadium into something new and uniting. Our department and the Office of Representative Sam Morgan, District 4, encouraged the public help shape a comprehensive master plan for the former Cohen Stadium site. Cohen will become an entertainment district that celebrates legacy, sports & leisure, wellness, and entertainment by following design principles centered on a place for all, open spaces, and connection. The proposed redevelopment aims to:

Revitalize the Cohen Stadium site
Provide a catalyst for development in Northeast El Paso
Create a regional project
Become a destination point

The master plan and design standards were completed in 2018 and 2019 respectfully. The Reimagining Cohen Stadium project is part of the City's commitment to enhance El Paso's quality of life for residents, business and visitors.

Eastside Master Plan

Eastside Master PlanThe Eastside Master Plan was created to analyze how growth patterns in East El Paso are affecting the demand for multiple new municipal city services, such as parks, police and fire stations, recreation facilities, thoroughfares, and other infrastructures. It will also provide the tools and key policies needed for managing growth and development throughout East El Paso as well as ensure that future infrastructure growth is managed in such a way as to not create a long-term operations and maintenance burden on the City and its taxpayers.

Through this analysis, the City will be able to determine whether there are adequate public facilities for not only the existing population, but what the future demand will be and provide a financial forecast for the construction of additional facilities/services.

The plan is being developed with public input, which was obtained through a City survey and at three community meetings which were hosted in November of 2018. With the input obtained from the from the community, the City is creating a comprehensive plan that everyone will benefit from.

This project is part of the City of El Paso's commitment to enhance the quality of life for residents visitors and businesses. The goal is to have the analysis completed and implemented by Fall 2021. A current view of the analysis can be found here. If you have any comments or suggestions related to the Eastside Master Plan Study, please reach out to Alex Hoffman at (915) 212-0065.

Urban Design El Paso - Alameda Corridor Plan

Urban Design El Paso

Similar to many cities nationwide, El Paso has been experiencing a renewed interest in urban-style living, as young professionals and retirees alike continue to express a preference for communities that are diverse in the services and amenities they provide, while also being safe, attractive, and engaging. These elements come together to create what urban planners call a “sense of place” in a city or neighborhood; a term for a community that has unique characteristics that lend authenticity to its institutions and residents.

As development preferences changed over the latter half of the twentieth century, the design principles that helped to create a sense of place were lost, resulting in generic new neighborhoods, and, due to the regulations and policies of the time, the dilution of the strong sense of place of many of those older neighborhoods as well. Today, urban planning principles are guiding the City of El Paso to create new policies and regulations that will help to restore a strong sense of place to our neighborhoods, commercial districts, and major transportation corridors. One of these projects is the Alameda Corridor Plan.